Financial Literacy

What is financial literacy?

Financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works in the world. Do you have the skills and knowledge that allow you to make informed and effective decisions with your financial resources?

Ask yourself

Are you borrowing money or using credit cards to pay for items that you formerly purchased with cash?
Are you at, near, or over the limit on your credit cards?
Has a collection agency called recently about an overdue bill?
Are you having trouble setting up a budget?
Are you dipping into your savings to pay current bills?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you will benefit from attending a financial literacy class sponsored by the Hopi Credit Association.

More to think about

Did you know that paying as little as $25.00 more than the minimum monthly payment on a $1,000.00 balance with a 16.9% interest rate could save you over $525.00 and pay your account off 5 years earlier?

Did you know that the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions (FACT) Act, entitles all consumers to a free credit report once a year from all three major credit report agencies?


  • If there is incorrect information on my credit report, I need to hire an attorney to fix it.
  • Gross income is income after taxes.
  • It is my responsibility to make sure my credit report is accurate and up to date.
  • A healthy financial plan suggests keeping an emergency fund in case of job layoffs to be able to take care of living expenses for one month.
Each financial literacy class is designed to help you understand and improve your current financial situation as well as learning how credit works and affects you.
Financial Literacy Class 1
Financial Literacy Class 2
Financial Literacy Class 3

Classes are FREE

...and held periodically throughout the year for the general public. You can also request a class to be held for your place of employment or any group or organization. We also welcome partnering with other organizations to provide financial literacy to their clientele.

Suggested groups or organizations that may be interested include: elderly and youth groups, students, villages, employers, parent committees, clubs, etc. Individuals may also set up an appointment to get the specific help they need.

Classes are customizable and can be evenings or weekends if needed. Call today to find out more information.

We cover basics such as:

  • Assessing your current financial situation
  • How to set financial goals
  • Creating a budget
  • Committing to a savings plan
  • What a credit report is and how to obtain it
  • Credit scoring factors
  • How to dispute errors on your credit report
  • How to avoid identity theft

The HCA Youth Financial Literacy Camp

Every summer, the Hopi Credit Association sponsors a week-long Youth Financial Literacy Camp for ages 14-18. Topics covered include building a healthy economy, budgeting skills, checking & savings accounts, and understanding credit. Students who complete the camp receive a $50.00 savings incentive. Meals are also provided. Watch for posters and listen to radio announcements for the next camp.

How to get started

Visit our Financial Education page.

Call Now

Find out when the next financial literacy class will be held, schedule an individual appointment, or schedule a class for your organization today!


To arrange a consultation or workshop, send us a message.

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